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사업 분야 > 피복|장비 > 해 양 > 오리발

해 양_오 리 발

오리발,Diving Fins Diving Fins 오리발
Constructed with a high resilient compound that combines just the right amount of blade stiffness that delivers high performance and kick efficiency
High energy compound produces more energy per kick
Creates less strain on the leg muscles compared with traditional fins, reducing the diver's fatigue and subsequent air consumption
Innovative hydrofoil design that produces forward motion (lift) with less effort
Split-fin technology provides the ultimate performance and comfort

특 징  : 목,손목 부분에 오존,UV 저항성 실리콘 씰 부착
       과압력 테스트 체크
       무릎패드 부착
       일체형 부츠
       남극에서 테스트되어 성능 인증.
       워터프루프기능의 3D메쉬재질 안감.